
Making time for regular doctor appointments and having preventative care can make a big difference in health. Click for more.

Know Thyself–And Thy Crafty Poison: The Two Keys To Successful Drug Addiction Recovery

8 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

You may have been ordered into a drug rehabilitation program, or you may be checking yourself into a rehab facility to solve your addiction issues. In either case, you will have a far greater chance at beating your drug dependence if you know the following two things: There's no use for shame in an addiction treatment plan It's easy to become addicted to intoxicating or narcotic substances including certain classes of prescription pain killers, even if you started taking them after an accident or surgical procedure. Read More …

Understanding Your Middle Schooler’s Changed Behavior: What You Can Do

3 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you are the parent of a child in middle school, you will more than likely begin to notice dramatic changes in their attitudes and behaviors. While this is a part of growing up and beginning puberty, there are some changes in behavior that you may find distressing. It can be difficult to gauge why your child is acting differently and if their behaviors should be a cause for concern and action. Read More …

What You Should Know About Detecting Autism In Your Toddler

1 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

One important aspect of well visit for children is to monitor their development. At each visit, the doctor may ask a series of questions to determine if the child is developing physically and mentally at the right pace, and the answers you give will often help spot problems early on. If you suspect your child might have a problem such as autism, you should talk to your doctor about this during one of your visits. Read More …

3 Non-Surgical Options To Strengthen Your Vaginal Muscles

24 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

You may not think about the weakening of your vaginal muscles (vaginal laxity), but age, natural childbirth, and changes in hormones can all contribute to this problem. If you use tampons, weakened vaginal muscles can make tampons difficult to wear comfortably because the tampon may not be held in place. Loose muscles can also contribute to light bladder leakage (LBL) and cause your sex life to be less satisfying. There are multiple non-surgical options to help strengthen your vaginal muscles. Read More …

Accidents Happen: 3 Steps To Take When Your Child Gets A Cut

12 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you're a first time parent, those first scrapes and cuts can cause you a lot of stress. This is particularly true if you're not prepared for all the blood that a small cut can generate. Kids tumble and fall all the time, especially when they're busy playing. If your little one has fallen and cut themselves, you'll need to act fast to stop the bleeding. Here are three steps that will help you get control of the bleeding. Read More …