
Making time for regular doctor appointments and having preventative care can make a big difference in health. Click for more.

Getting To Know More About Hirschsprung’s Disease

10 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you give birth to a new baby, the last thing you are thinking about is the fact that they could have a congenital medical condition. However, sometimes this is the case. Hirschprung's disease is one such congenital condition that may be present when a child is born. Get to know more of the facts about this congenital condition that may affect your child in infancy or later in their childhood so that you know what to look out for and what to expect if they are diagnosed. Read More …

The Digital Patch: A New Technology That Solves A Common Childhood Vision Problem

5 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

For almost 50 years there has been only one way to treat amblyopia (lazy eye) in children: patch therapy. Patch therapy consists of covering the eyes with cloth patches, alternating between left and right. When the stronger eye is covered, the weaker or "lazy" eye does more of the work and grows stronger. In minor cases of amblyopia, or when a child can't tolerate a patch, blurring eye drops (atropine) are used instead. Read More …

Can You Feel The Beat Within Your Heart? Understanding Different Types Of Arrhythmias

4 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Being told by your doctor that you have a cardiac arrhythmia can be disconcerting, especially when he or she refers you to a cardiologist for further evaluation. Arrhythmia is the collective term used to describe various types of abnormalities in heart rate and rhythm. Some types of arrhythmia are benign and require no treatment, while others must be controlled with medications or interventional treatment methods. Getting informed about the different types of arrhythmia, why they occur and how they are dealt with can provide you with a more positive outlook on your condition and motivate you to schedule that appointment with your cardiologist. Read More …

Using Exercise To Calm Your Child’s ADHD

26 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, and you aren't sure of what you can to do help. Even when they take their medicine, they remain hard to manage. Thankfully, you can use exercise to help calm their overactive mind and give them a new focus. While it can't take the place of their medicine, it can go a long way towards burning their excessive energy and straightening up their thoughts. Read More …

What To Expect When Recovering From Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

26 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your recent fall tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in your knee. You're scheduled for arthroscopic surgery soon to have the injury repaired. Then you'll begin the process of regaining the use of that knee. A full recovery takes weeks of slow and incremental progress. Here is what you can expect from that recovery time once you leave the outpatient surgery clinic. After the Arthroscopic Surgery Arthroscopic surgery is a much less invasive procedure than traditional knee surgery. Read More …