Adult And Teen Acne Cysts: What Can You Do To Treat Your Irritated Skin?
If the acne on your face turns into large, painful cysts, you may try everything you possibly can to relieve it. Cystic acne isn't something you want to tackle at home. Unlike regular whiteheads and blackheads, cystic acne can scar and infect your skin over time. Find the help, answers, and other information you need below.
Why Do Some People Develop Cystic Acne?
Although many teens and adults suffer from whiteheads and blackheads, some people develop deep cysts, or pockets of pus, oil, and bacteria, below the surface of their facial skin. The pockets of debris can become extremely swollen and painful over time.
Like whiteheads and blackheads, cystic acne isn't directly caused by eating chocolate, chips, and other unhealthy types of food. A number of experts believe that cystic acne can develop in response to irregular or imbalanced hormones. Both teens and adults can experience hormone-induced cystic acne.
Teens generally develop cystic acne during puberty, or when their hormone production drastically increases. Women who enter menopause or suffer from ovary-related conditions may also develop acne cysts in their skin. Testosterone can aggravate the oil-producing glands in men and cause acne to develop in their skin.
The causes above are just a few things that can trigger cystic acne to develop in your skin. If you want to find relief from your painful breakouts, you'll need to act fast.
Who Can Help You and Why?
You may already use OTC acne medications to treat your painful facial cysts. OTC medications often lack the strength to treat deep-seated skin lesions. You can find better relief for your skin condition by consulting a primary care doctor right away.
A doctor can develop various treatments for your acne-prone skin. The treatments may include prescription-grade topical applications. Prescription-based medication is typically stronger and more effective than OTC products. A doctor can also lower or increase the medication's strength to fit your treatment needs.
In addition to topical treatments, a primary care doctor may use steroid injections to help clear up your skin. The number of injections you receive may depend on the cause and severity of your acne. If you developed cystic acne because of irregular or imbalanced hormones, a doctor may try to balance out your hormones with medications or another form of treatment.
If you're an adult or teen struggling with cystic acne, contact a primary care doctor at a medical facility like Alaska Urgent Care LLC for more information about your condition.